Order taking and tracking tool

Take and track your orders

In the office or in the field, enter your orders in just a few clicks and send your purchase orders (automatically) to the contacts of your choice.

Discover the solution
crm order taking and tracking

Order in just a few clicks

Don't let a customer hesitate any longer and take the order directly. Offer the right assortment, the right price and the right discounts to finalize the sale. Order products individually or in PCBs, and apply discounts in euros or as a percentage, whether on a specific product or on the whole order.

Generate your purchase orders

Generate and visualize your documents, in the field and with your customers. In just a few clicks, you can export and send your documents in PDF format.

Faites signer vos bons de commande

Offer your customers the option of signing order forms directly in-store, via Sidely's mobile app. Once the appointment is over, your sales staff have nothing more to do, and can immediately move on to the next customer.

Send your purchase orders automatically

Ensure that each stakeholder receives the right information at the right time.
Automatically send important order information by email to your key contacts (internal notification to sales, purchase order to customer, email to distributor, etc.). Save time with Sidely-generated email templates and attachments.

Request a demo
Try Sidely free for 15 days, with no obligation.

Increase your average basket

Act at the right moment to ensure the recommendation and never leave a customer in the lurch. Increase order frequency, track your customers' latest orders and identify products that can increase the average basket. With Sidely, reduce your sales force's administrative time so they can concentrate on selling.

View the status of your orders and recommendations

Manage your orders more easily with Sidely's Kanban view. View the status and important information (amount, point of sale, sales rep...) of each order at a glance, for better visibility and optimal tracking.

Analyze your sales and orders

Find out more about reports

Discover all our CRM features

admin crm

Easier administration

data management

Data centralization

tour planning

Tour planning

sales reporting

Data collection

promos management

Promotions management

sales reporting

Sales management

Order in just a few clicks

Don't let a customer hesitate any longer and take the order directly. Offer the right assortment, the right price and the right discounts to finalize the sale. Order products individually or in PCBs, and apply discounts in euros or as a percentage, whether on a specific product or on the whole order.

Generate your purchase orders

Generate and visualize your documents, in the field and with your customers. In just a few clicks, you can export and send your documents in PDF format.

generate order form

Get your order forms signed

Offer your customers the option of signing order forms directly in-store, via Sidely's mobile app. Once the appointment is over, your sales staff have nothing more to do, and can immediately move on to the next customer.

Send your purchase orders automatically

Ensure that each stakeholder receives the necessary information at the right time.

Automatically send important order information by email to your key contacts (internal notification to sales, purchase order to customer, email to distributor, etc.). Save time with Sidely-generated email templates and attachments.

Request a demo
Try Sidely free for 15 days, with no obligation.

Increase your average basket

Act at the right moment to ensure the recommendation and never leave a customer in the lurch. Increase order frequency, track your customers' latest orders and identify products that can increase the average basket. With Sidely, reduce your sales force's administrative time so they can concentrate on selling.

View the status of your orders and recommendations

Manage your orders more easily with Sidely's Kanban view. View the status and important information (amount, point of sale, sales rep...) of each order at a glance, for better visibility and optimal tracking.

Analyze your sales and orders

Keep track of your sales

Sidely saves you time, both in the field and in the office, on data processing. Track order intake and sales by point of sale, product and salesperson on your dashboards and reports.

Track CHR sales

Track your order history

With our pre-designed and customizable reports, track your order history according to the number of orders placed, sales (incl. and excl. VAT), discounts granted and order status over the desired time period.

Analyze your orders by product and category

Analyze your orders on a micro scale, by product and product category, to identify the best performers.

Find out more about reports

Frequently asked questions about taking and tracking orders

Why track order intake?

Tracking the duration and evolution of orders enables you to identify the optimal moment to contact your customers again, facilitating a smooth and efficient shopping experience. By anticipating your customers' replenishment needs and recommending products (trends, new products, etc.), you improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Regular follow-up shows your customers that you are attentive to their needs, reinforcing the commercial relationship.

How do I fill in an order form?

To fill in an order form, go to the order page. Choose an assortment or products and the quantity ordered (in units or PCBs). You can apply discounts in % or € for each product ordered, and add VAT or additional taxes. Once all the information has been filled in, you can validate your order form.

How can I view my orders?

You can view your orders in two formats with Sidely:
- List: Access a detailed view of each order, listed with key information such as amount, store, salesperson, status and more. This view enables granular management and quick search of specific orders.
- Kanban: Use the Kanban view to intuitively visualize the status of each order. Easily move orders between different statuses (e.g. in progress, completed, canceled) for optimal tracking and better organization.

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