A simple, ultra-powerful sales management tool

Manage your business and sales performance

Optimize the management of your sales activity thanks to our monitoring and analysis tool, which centralizes your reports and dashboards. Our CRM makes it easy to analyze your KPIs and field data, so you can better manage your sales force and sales (sellout sellin).

Discover the solution
Dashboard representation for managers

Monitor the activities and performance of your sales teams

Optimize your sales force's performance in the field with Sidely's sfa crm.

Track your sales force's activity

Measure your team's efficiency by tracking activities (e-mails, phone calls, visits...) per sales rep.

Track sales actions

Stay in touch with your sales team, thanks to real-time synchronization.

Manage your sales force in real time

Track your sales and commercial activity in real time, and measure your company's performance against defined targets.

Align objectives and performance

Set clear individual and collective objectives. Monitor your key kpis (ownership rate, digital distribution, share of shelf space, etc.).

If in doubt, use the check-in

Make sure your sales people are present at the point of sale. The balance between trust and control is up to you - Sidely gives you the tools.

Create reports for you and your teams

Easily define and track individual and global objectives for your team (Area Manager, Category Manager, DRV, DNV...) and company. Set targets for your performance indicators, and check their progress in real time. Create personalized dashboards for each of your sales reps, and give them the keys and tools to optimize their sales in the field and reach their targets.

Drag & drop dashboard creation

Create reports for you and your teams

Easily define and track individual and global objectives for your team (Area Manager, Category Manager, DRV, DNV...) and company. Set targets for your performance indicators, and check their progress in real time. Create personalized dashboards for each of your sales reps, and give them the keys and tools to optimize their sales in the field and reach their targets.

Drag & drop dashboard creation

Don't waste any more time waiting for your business data to be analyzed: benefit from the power of our engine and carry out your queries in a matter of seconds.

slow data visualization without SidelyRapid sell-in analysis
slow data visualization without Sidelyquick viewing of reports and dashboards

Visualize and track your KPIs and key data at a glance

Track your sales activity and performance with intuitive sales action tracking dashboards, easily created via our drag-and-drop editor. Choose the periodicity, view sales reports and filter data for precise insights, all in real time.

Digital retention (DN) by outlet

Digital holdings (DN) by salesperson

Digital distribution (DN)

Actual sales (sellout sellin)

Cash-out and valuation

Number of appointments booked in the month

Sales visits carried out

Number of active points of sale

Follow-up of objectives (sales, activity...)

Annual sales growth versus targets

Average weekly sales

Latest sales activity
And more ...

Digital retention (DN) by outlet

Digital holdings (DN) by salesperson

Digital distribution (DN)

Actual sales (sellout sellin)

Cash-out and valuation

Number of appointments booked in the month

Sales visits carried out

Number of active points of sale

Follow-up of objectives (sales, activity...)

Annual sales growth versus targets

VMH Average weekly sales

Track your sales and turnover

Analyze the evolution of your sell-in, the dynamics of your products, and the effectiveness of your sales and marketing strategies (increasing the number of references, merchandising, theatricalization, promotion, animation...) with Sidely.

Follow up on agreements reached and their successful placement on shelves, as well as the evolution of direct orders.

Example of a sell-in reportExample of a sell-in report

Sidely simplifies the integration of your datasharing. Our CRM adapts to the various formats of retail chains, automatically associating your sales with the relevant stores and products for accurate sales analyses and easy reporting.

Track the evolution of your sell-out by product, category, store, retailer or brand.

Visualization of active stores by checkout evolution

Save time on sales reporting

Use our pre-built business reporting templates or customize your own in just a few minutes. No technical skills are required to produce your analyses and reports.

Visible analysis on web AND mobile

Exportable reports with a simple copy/paste operation

Ready-to-use report templates

Use photos to analyze feedback from the field

Find all the photos you've taken in the field, in your gallery, and analyze your sales reps' activity in images. You'll find before/after shots, the time the photo was taken, the salesperson involved and the name of the sales outlet. Filter by product, store, bar...

In-store photo shoot

Use photos to analyze feedback from the field

Find all the photos you've taken in the field, in your gallery, and analyze your sales reps' activity in images. You'll find before/after shots, the time the photo was taken, the salesperson involved and the name of the sales outlet. Filter by product, store, bar...

CRM photo gallery

Create reports at the click of a button, or use our ready-to-use reports

Build relevant graphs and analyze in detail the performance of your products, assortments, stores, brands and sales reps, thanks to the reliable data reported by your sales reps.

Active stores

New stores

Stores lost and to be reactivated

Coverage rate

Digital distribution

Sales by store

Distribution by store

Change in ownership by brand

Distribution by brand

Average basket by value and volume

Store orders

VMH by brand/ store

Sales by store

Sell-out by brand/store

Trend in sell-out by brand/store

Events by store

Events by store


  • Active stores
  • New stores
  • Stores lost and to be reactivated
  • Coverage rate
  • Digital distribution
  • Sales by store
  • Distribution by store
  • Change in ownership by brand
  • Distribution by brand
  • Average basket by value and volume
  • Ordering from chains and stores
  • Sell-out by brand/store
  • Trend in sell-out by brand/store
  • Non-store events
  • Events by store

Digital detention

Product holding

Number of mandatory references

Sales by product

VMH by product and category

Sales by product and category

Promotion conversion rate

Promotional ROI

Increased promotional sales

Promotional sales as a proportion of total sales

Average duration of promotional stocks

Out-of-stock rates during promotions

Cost per acquisition (CPA) during promotion

Post-promotion attrition rate


  • Digital detention
  • Product holding
  • Number of mandatory references
  • Sales by product
  • VMH by product/category
  • Sales trends by product/category
  • Promotion conversion rate
  • Promotional ROI
  • Increased promotional sales
  • Promotional sales as a proportion of total sales
  • Average duration of promotional stocks
  • Out-of-stock rates during promotions
  • Cost per acquisition (CPA) during promotion
  • Post-promotion attrition rate

Price list

Merchandising audit

Point-of-sale displays

Label visibility

Number of facings

Shelf positioning


Breakage rate

Average weekly sales (VMH)

Merchandising trends by outlet

Merchandising trends by outlet

Share of linear


  • Price list
  • Merchandising audit
  • Point-of-sale displays
  • Label visibility
  • Number of facings
  • Shelf positioning
  • PMC
  • Breakage rate
  • Average weekly sales (VMH)
  • Merchandising trends by outlet and by product
  • Share of linear

Events by salesperson

Events by salesperson

of visits with contacts

Events by store

Events by store


  • Events by salesperson
  • Events by salesperson
  • of visits with contacts
  • Events by store
  • Events by store

Track your promotions

Optimize the profitability of your sales OPs, by tracking the performance of your promotions in real time, on your dashboard. Track field effects and sales on specific reports, and adjust your strategies according to observed results.

Sample promotional sales report

Track your promotions

Optimize the profitability of your sales OPs, by tracking the performance of your promotions in real time, on your dashboard. Track field effects and sales on specific reports, and adjust your strategies according to observed results.

Sample promotional sales report

Carry out micro and macro analyses of your sales actions

Filter your data and reports by salesperson, sales team, store, bar, outlet type, brand... and calculate your key indicators - such as DN - for your entire outlet, brand or specifically by category or product.

Multi-ray analysis in crm

What our customers say

"Thanks to the reports, I can easily track the sales reps' bonus plans. I consult the reports by sales rep and see directly what is being done on time, and whether the targets set are being met."
Chantovent National Sales Manager
"With Sidely, I can easily track my sales reps' schedules and check that visit targets are being met and actions implemented. This gives us a better understanding of what's happening in the field."
National Sales Manager and Key Account at La mémère
"Having real-time information is a blessing. As managers, it allows us to be hyper-reactive. As soon as a problem is reported from the field, we can immediately implement corrective actions and quickly redirect our sales people."
Nicolas Dechambre from Club maté
Nicolas DECHAMBRE, Co-founder, CEO & Business Manager at YM - Club-Mate

Discover all our CRM features

crm easy

Easier administration

crm data

Data centralization

tour optimization

Tour planning

field information survey

Field survey



managing retail promotions

Promotions management

Frequently asked questions about sales management

What sales performance indicators should you track?

To start with, we recommend you track 5 sales performance indicators: digital hold, digital distribution, coverage rate, breakage rate, shelf space share (which includes the number of facings). These 5 kpis can be calculated by product, sales rep, brand, point of sale... If you'd like to take your analysis further, I invite you to read this article.

How do I create a sales dashboard?

To create a sales dashboard in Sidely, simply drag & drop the key indicators and data you wish to track, and place them in your dashboard.

How do I create a sales report?

For sales reporting, you have two choices: use our ready-to-use reports (1) or create your own by drag and drop (2). For the first option, all you have to do is select the time granularity and the sales reps/points of sale concerned.

How do I integrate checkouts into Sidely?

Sidely takes into account all retail formats and offers a company database that includes store codes. For this reason, integrating your checkouts is very simple: receive your checkouts and import them in csv format. You can then analyze them.

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